What Causes Extreme Weight Loss During Pregnancy?

What Causes Extreme Weight Loss During Pregnancy?

Being pregnant is a beautiful experience that brings a lot of changes to a woman’s body, both physically and emotionally. One of these changes is weight gain, which is expected during pregnancy. However, in some cases, women may experience extreme weight loss during pregnancy. This can be concerning and may cause worry for both the mother and her loved ones. In this blog post, we will take a look at what causes extreme weight loss during pregnancy and what you should do if you experience this.

Severe Nausea and Vomiting

One of the most common causes of extreme weight loss during pregnancy is severe nausea and vomiting, also known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum. This is a severe form of morning sickness that occurs in less than 3 percent of pregnant women. Hyperemesis Gravidarum can lead to severe dehydration, malnutrition, and weight loss. Women who experience severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are advised to seek medical attention immediately. Check out here to discover additional info about www.mynewsdesk.com.

Digestive Issues

Pregnancy can cause a lot of changes to your digestive system. Some women may experience constipation, while others may experience diarrhea or other digestive issues. Digestive issues can also cause extreme weight loss during pregnancy. This is because you may be unable to absorb nutrients from the food you eat. If you experience any digestive issues during pregnancy, it is essential to speak with your healthcare provider.

Thyroid Issues

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating metabolism in the body. In some cases, pregnant women may develop thyroid issues, such as hypothyroidism, during pregnancy. This can lead to extreme weight loss due to a slower metabolism. If you suspect that you have a thyroid issue, speak with your healthcare provider immediately.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women. This condition can cause extreme weight loss in some women due to increased insulin resistance. If you have Gestational Diabetes, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan recommended by your healthcare provider.

Infections and Viruses

Pregnancy can lower your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to infections and viruses. Some infections and viruses can cause extreme weight loss due to decreased appetite and other symptoms. It is important to take preventative measures to avoid getting sick during pregnancy and speak with your healthcare provider if you suspect you have an infection or virus.


Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it can also come with its share of challenges. If you experience extreme weight loss during pregnancy, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider immediately. Extreme weight loss can cause complications for both the mother and the baby. By understanding the potential causes of extreme weight loss during pregnancy, you can be better prepared to take action and protect your health and the health of your baby. Remember to speak with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions during your pregnancy.